customized software

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  admin 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #1623 Reply


    I need to setup a id kind photoboothsoftware.
    The Person who is in front of the camera should see a mask on top of the live image from the camera so they know how stand in front of it. Also they should be able to do multiple shoots and select one after the are done AND the need to fill out a form right after they selected their photo.

    Is all of this possible with your software and if not so is it possible that you program something like that into it?
    Thanks in advance

    #1627 Reply



    Yes it is already possible:

    The Person who is in front of the camera should see a mask on top of the live image from the camera so they know how stand in front of it.

    => Enable the “ID photo” feature in the configuration. that’s it

    Also they should be able to do multiple shoots and select one after the are done

    => In the advanced configuration / scenario, set “maximum attempts” to more than 1. It will allow to take multiple shots and select the better one.

    AND the need to fill out a form right after they selected their photo.

    => What form ?


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