Interactive video overlay art installation

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  admin 6 years, 6 months ago.

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    From what I understand it would require a real time synchronization of video streams across a network. It seems like an interesting project.

    But it is not clear what exactly you are expecting from us.

    You may want to try PROCESSING ( which has lot of features for visual arts. You may find a way to do what you want with it.


    On 07/17/2018 02:23 PM, x wrote:
    > Dear phoyosystem,
    > We’ve recently stumbled on what could be a very interesting project with specific needs. Hopefully you can help us come up with a solution:
    > Interactive video overlay art installation
    > Components:
    > Big Screen Display
    > A computer connecting the cameras and screens
    > Camera A
    > Screen 1
    > Subject: John
    > Camera B
    > Screen 2
    > Subject: Mary
    > John and Mary sit in front of Camera A and B respectively. On a big screen their live stream videos are overlaid creating a blend of their faces. Think the Blade Runner 2049 love scene:
    > This is cool in itself and relatively straightforward to do, right? Two video sources layered on top of each other with the opacity adjusted, and the output is sent full screen to a projector or a display.
    > I am currently looking at OBS studio as my software for this.
    > But how can I make this interactive, shareable, and accessible for anybody who walks up to this project?
    > Ideally what we want is John and Mary sit in front of their cameras. They can see themselves on their respective screens and therefore see their live stream footage interacting with one another. This image is also on the big screen display. They play around discovering the effect that the transparent layers of their images have with one another. Then, once ready, either one of them engages a program to initiate a countdown, like in a Photobooth: 3, 2, 1. Then for the next 6 seconds their overlaid faces are recorded creating that wonderful dreamy interwoven effect.
    > Then they are presented with the option to email this video to themselves, or even perhaps send it to their instagrams.
    > They are now done with the booth, but their video continues to play on the big screen.
    > That is until now Sarah and David get into Booth 1 and 2 and behind Camera A and B. They too initiate the program, induce the countdown, and make a 6 second video. They can now email this footage to themselves as well. Their video, and John and Mary’s video, now play on the big screen. Etc.
    > What software could I use to allow pretty much anybody to walk up to these booths and have their videos recorded. We want it to standalone and require minimal maintenance.
    > I know this is a significant undertaking to think about so I appreciate any and all input provided.
    > Sincerely,
    > —
    > x

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by  admin.
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