Stay on one type of photo

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  admin 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #430 Reply


    Hi i just want to use it to make a book for a wedding, i’m loking in the configuration, how to force the user to use a style of photo and juste one style. In other word what i am looking for is that the user have only 2 step. Step 1, press the button take photo, step 2 print or take a new one. Thanks to say me how can i configure your product to make that.

    #635 Reply


    to do that you must disable all the styles of photo and the output formats except those that you want to use:
    In the configuration window:
    – disable “photograph styles / identity”
    – disable “photograph styles / fun”
    – enable “photograph styles / raw”
    (in older versions, if you do not “raw” tab, you can alternatively create an empty “fun photograph” template and delete all the other templates))
    – disable “email sending”
    – disable “facebook publications”
    – disable “file transfer”
    – enable “printing”

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